42. Ash-Shuraa surah’s 2nd verse “Ayn-Sin-Kaf” “عسق” consists of the letters Hurufu Mukatta. This combination of letters is only found in verse 2 of this surah. The abjad values of these letters respectively Ayn: 70, Sin: 60, Kaf: 100. It is the only example in the Qur’an as the letters Hurufu Mukatta in the second verse. In the Qur’an, the letter Hurufu Mukatta is not found in any other surah in in the second verse. Therefore, the letters “Ayn-Sin-Kaf” “عسق” Hurufu Mukatta in verse 42 of Surah Shura are expected to have a privilege or a feature. The total number of repetitions of the letters in the surah is 209 and this number confirms the number 19 of the coding.

209 = 19×11
209 ≡ 0 (mod 19)

In addition; In the second verse these letters “Ayn-Sin-Kaf” “عسق” is not alone. They must be connected with the letters “Ha” ve “Mim” “حم” in the first verse. See what kind of relationship you have. First of all, let’s look at the number of letters that we formed by writing the numerical values of the letters in the first and second verses..
“ Ha:8 , Mim:40 , Ayn:70 , Sin:60 , Kaf:100 ” “8 40 70 60 100” The number 7 and 19 validate the encoding numbers.
8 40 70 60 100 ≡ 7 (mod 19)
We said that the number of letters “Ha” and “Mim” in the surahs above is 2147. In accordance with the relationship we have defined above, we add the total number of the letters “Ha” and “Mim” to the total number of letters in the 42nd Ash-Shuraa surah, which is the repetition number of the letters “Ayn”, “Sin” and “Kaf”. 2147 + 209 = 2356 verifies the 19 the encoding number.
2356 = 19×124
2356 ≡ 0 (mod 19)
In the aforementioned surahs, we replaced the letters Ha and Mim with numerical values to obtain a 4002-digit number, which confirmed 19 coding numbers. We will now consider this as a list. While composing the list, starting from 2nd verse of 42nd surah we will write the numerical values 70, 60, 100 of the letters Ayn-Sin-Kaf, along in their place in surah with the letters Ha and Mim. (40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46) We give the first 5 lines of the list of 419 lines covering 7 surah as an example.

The results from the number sequences in the list are as follows. Meanwhile, the number of Basmala without number is 7 and the number of verses with the number 412. We would like to state that these numbers (7 412) are the opposite of the total number of Ha-Mim letters (2147).
The number of consecutive sequences of abjad values in the list is 4475 digits. If we repeat the formation of this number; In 7th Surah “Ha” and “Mim” letters, as well as in 42nd Surah “Ayn”, “Sin”, “Kaf” letters, in 42nd Surah hurufu mukatta letters from the beginning of the second verse by adding, the number is obtained. When constructing the number, we follow the structure in the Qur’an, that is, the letters in the surah. Witness the result with your own eyes.
≡ 2 (mod 7) and ≡ 0 (mod 19)
The result is amazing; the big number is exactly divided by 19 and all of the coding numbers, 7, 19 and 2, are verified. As we mentioned in the previous section, it may be possible to adjust the large number by additions or changes and make a multiple of 19. However, by making changes in the middle part, the ≡ 2 (mode 7) and ≡ 0 (mode 19) equivalents create serious difficulties. The juxtaposition of two large numbers constitutes a terrific coding strategy. Because when you set one, the other breaks down. It is severely difficult to break or copy. That makes up by the letters of Hurufu-Mukatta in verse 2 of Surah 42. Thus we have understood the wisdom of the letters “Ayn-Sin-Kaf“ “عسق” Hurufu-Mukatta in 42:2. If you read these lines and understand the subject, you are one of the few people in the world who knows what these letters do.
The fact that the numbers of the letters validate the code and the validation of the encoding numbers of the consecutive abjad values is no longer a possibility that I can calculate. This is an astronomical small possibility.
In addition, the largest number of Ha-Mim group encryption is the next level; In the above list, each verse has a numerical value derived from the sum of the numerical values of the letters Hurufu Mukatta. For example, for un-numbered Basmalah, this number is 136. The first verse one is 48 and the second one is 80. We have written these numerical values in green in the table above. If we write these numbers for 412 verses of 7 surah and 7 Basmalah, consecutively, we get the following number with 1143 digits. This large number confirms the coding numbers by dividing them exactly into the coding numbers 7 and 19.
136 48 80 40 80 352 96 448 336 208 240 88 176 240 40 208 288 168 336 80 88 480 160 80 48 296 80 248 480 440 208 288 120 400 488 160 48 160 120 128 336 120 120 208 120 88 80 168 48 160 160 128 240 40 0 64 200 120 248 40 120 80 80 8 368 136 240 720 128 40 80 48 128 160 120 264 120 88 448 160 176 40 320 376 168 200 136 48 136 80 120 208 296 80 208 120 80 80 304 120 320 296 184 248 40 88 328 200 480 288 240 528 80 80 88 168 208 256 88 296 104 128 160 240 88 176 448 80 216 200 360 280 208 648 288 120 416 80 280 176 208 136 48 230 266 360 584 308 846 406 298 278 810 650 1096 1230 1368 604 488 848 380 224 680 878 914 834 660 408 440 346 680 440 350 158 138 340 278 598 128 680 80 396 400 528 230 620 1200 380 680 994 360 570 422 676 220 136 48 40 40 88 168 80 120 160 160 160 160 160 248 40 80 160 256 128 208 328 240 120 280 280 160 160 0 80 176 96 80 552 256 40 128 88 168 48 240 200 200 120 128 40 208 120 168 240 88 120 208 120 160 120 240 80 240 200 80 120 160 120 168 120 248 80 120 128 120 88 168 160 80 120 120 200 120 96 200 208 48 88 128 128 200 208 120 80 128 136 48 40 80 88 120 168 200 128 40 120 40 80 120 160 40 120 160 80 80 80 80 120 80 88 80 120 40 40 200 80 120 120 160 0 128 40 360 160 168 160 160 136 40 80 40 88 48 168 40 120 160 0 80 48 40 168 80 80 80 136 48 88 120 160 256 56 40 240 160 360 160 168 280 160 208 208 520 160 200 88 480 168 240 336 168 408 240 240 168 296 320 216 208 440 288 128 88 136 48 88 328 480 360 88 176 288 328 360 160 336 168 88 408 176 208 288 320 456 248 80 240 328 288 656 168 200 288 328 320 160 168 128 400
≡ 0 (mod 7) and ≡ 0 (mod 19)
In addition; There is another column in the list above, which is the last column and consists of the sum of (Verse Number + Lock Letter Number + Lock Letter Abjad Top) values. When the numbers in this column are ordered sequentially, it creates a large number with 1208 digits and this number confirms the number of 19 coding.
141 51 84 44 86 369 106 471 354 223 256 102 194 259 55 229 312 190 364 101 111 513 186 105 74 330 108 282 520 480 244 327 155 443 535 199 86 201 161 171 386 164 165 257 167 136 128 220 98 213 214 183 298 94 54 123 261 180 313 100 183 143 144 72 442 206 312 805 200 110 152 121 204 237 197 348 199 168 538 243 262 122 410 470 257 290 141 51 143 85 127 219 311 89 222 132 92 93 326 136 342 320 207 272 59 110 357 226 514 319 270 567 108 109 119 202 244 295 123 338 143 167 200 283 129 221 500 123 265 248 413 332 260 712 344 172 478 133 339 235 268 141 51 235 275 371 603 321 867 425 313 295 837 672 1131 1267 1410 634 513 881 404 252 715 917 954 873 695 443 473 382 721 479 389 194 174 379 320 646 169 730 121 445 449 580 278 676 1266 435 742 1062 416 629 485 743 278 141 51 43 44 95 178 88 130 172 173 174 175 176 268 55 97 180 281 150 233 357 267 145 310 311 189 190 27 110 211 130 113 601 297 75 167 127 210 88 285 245 246 165 175 85 259 169 220 294 140 173 265 175 217 177 301 138 303 263 141 183 225 185 236 187 320 148 190 200 192 161 244 236 155 197 198 281 200 178 284 294 131 173 215 216 290 300 210 170 221 141 51 43 85 95 128 179 212 140 50 133 52 94 136 178 56 139 181 100 101 102 103 145 105 115 107 149 68 69 234 112 154 155 197 34 167 77 406 202 212 204 205 183 84 126 86 137 97 221 90 173 215 52 135 104 96 229 139 140 141 141 51 93 126 168 269 65 48 254 173 379 175 185 300 178 229 230 550 182 224 111 517 195 269 370 198 445 273 274 202 335 359 255 247 485 331 168 128 141 51 93 340 496 374 97 189 304 346 379 175 358 186 105 438 198 231 314 347 489 276 104 269 361 321 700 200 233 325 367 359 196 206 166 445
≡ 0 (mod 19)
This large numbers those are 1143 digits and 1208 digits lock the entire Ha-Mim group in verse and makes it difficult to construct a similar structure. Since each number in this verse consists of the sum of the letters of Hurufu Mukatta, the sum of all the letters in the tables mentioned above, abjad values, 7 and 19 encodings, the locations of the letters in surahs, connects everything. Compresses the probability of encoding validation in a very narrow space. Is it over? No, we’re moving on.
The following 183-digit number, which is occured taking the numbers in the points that confirms the Verse Number ≡ 0 (mod 7) equivalence from the above 1208-digit number, also verifies the 19 coding.
141 471 55 513 520 199 165 213 261 72 152 168 257 141 89 342 226 119 167 265 172 141 867 1267 715 382 320 580 416 141 130 55 267 110 167 165 140 138 236 161 200 216 141 212 178 103 69 167 183 90 229 141 48 178 517 274 331 141 189 105 276 233 445 ≡ 0 (mod 19)
The following 71-digit number, which is occured taking the numbers in the points that confirms the Verse Number ≡ 0 (mod 19) equivalence from the above 1208-digit number, also verifies the 19 coding.
141 101 161 180 199 141 110 129 141 404 730 141 233 88 303 281 141 101 202 139 141 224 141 347 ≡ 0 (mod 19)
We have given the numerical structure of the 419 lines of Ha-Mim group surahs as a table below. By opening the verses of Ha-Mim surahs in the Qur’an, you can examine and check the letters in the relevant verse in the relevant surahs one by one. The cryptological structure contains details that will push the boundaries of our brain. The extension of the chain of possibilities by connecting them each other makes it impossible to produce a similar structure.
Is it over? No, we’re moving on.
After examining the table, we will continue with a new coding that is connected to the chain.

The cryptological structure consisting of 1208 digits number above, 183 digits number and 71 digits number above includes the number of verses, the number of letters in the verse and the sum of their abjads, formed by choosing the verse numbers corresponding to the mod7 = 0 and mod19 = 0 equivalents. They are highly contains a complex links. I am sure that those who want to produce a similar one of this structure will get very hard time and get tired, even until they just figure out where to start. I already wish success and convenience to the team or people who have rolled up trying to produce a similar one of this coding. Because as someone who reveals this coding, I know the subject very well that how hard and heavy duty it is. But the truth is, coding is not over yet, we continue.
We are moving one step further; (Locally the last stage)
(The point where impossibility begins for the understander)
The 14-digit number, the sequence numbers 86, 55, 54, 90, 60, 38, 36 of the element groups of the large number of 1143 digits given above which is the number of verses and Basmalahs of the surahs of the HaMim group is excatly divided by 19 and all of the coding numbers, 7, 19 and 2, are verified.
86 55 54 90 60 38 36 ≡ 2 (mod 7) and ≡ 0 (mod 19)
The possibility of verification of the coding is narrowed and pushed towards a very small area. It appears to be very systematic. It does not matter the astronomical smallness of probability, but the resulting systematic is very impressive.
Let’s see how it occurs systematically and how one of the coding elements connects one backwards;
The last 14-digit number, which is the number of Verses + Basmalah in Surahs, connects the 1143, 1208, 183 and 71 digit numbers consisting of the sequential order of the abjad values in the verses, limiting the probability and a change in the number of verses breaks the connection. This systematically continues to be reflected backwards in the same way. The 1143, 1208, 183 and 71 digit numbers binds the 4475-digit number, which consists of two large numbers and limits the probability that a change in the number of letters or location breaks the connection. The 4475-digit number binds the first 4002-digit large number and limits its probability, if a change in the number of letters or location breaks the connection. Again, the numbers of the letters Ha-Mim in the surahs, the first tables given in the Ha-Mim section, link 4002 digits from another way, limiting the probability, a change in the number of letters breaks the link. Is it over? No, we’re moving on.
The aforementioned encodings have connections with the whole of the Qur’an, so the Qur’an’s request to “bring a similar surah” can only be achieved by bringing the whole Qur’an. That is, even if the encodings appear to be local, they are strictly connected to the whole, the completion of a local coding can only be possible by putting the whole together. Now let’s try to explain this as mathematics.
The last point we reached in the numerical coding of the Ha-Mim group was the number of verses in surahs and we defined the connections of the verse numbers backwards to the numbers of Ha-Mim letters in the group, the sequences of abjad values and their combinations. These Surahs numbers and Verse numbers are also directly connected to the whole Qur’anic structure with its Even and Odd symmetry and other codings. Below we have summarized the links.
- Ha-Mim group of Surahs numbers and Verse numbers Even-Double, Odd-Odd, Even-Odd or Odd-Even status directly affects the Even and Odd symmetry.

- Ha-Mim group of Surahs numbers and Verse numbers should be in accordance with 7 and 19 coding, which is the sum of the subgroups in the Even and Odd symmetry.
- Ha-Mim group of Surahs numbers and verse numbers must correspond to the coding of 7 and 19 in the consecutive sequence of the Even and Odd verses in the Mushaf Index.
- Ha-Mim group of Surahs numbers and verse numbers must correspond to the coding of 7 and 19 in the consecutive sequence of the Even and Odd verses in the Mushaf Index.

- Word symmetries, which are effective in the whole of the Qur’an, should n ot be compromised in the coding of word numbers. Example: Rahman, Rahim, Name words can be given as an example.

- And here are many more connections that we cannot give in detail.
Along with the details we have provided above, unfortunately words are insufficient to explain how difficult it is to verify this code and create a similar structure.
It is very, very difficult to create this kind of structure. It is tragicomic to say that a coding that would be made very difficult even with today’s technology was made by people 1400 years ago or that there was no encryption here, that this structure came into being by chance. If we say so that is out of Reason and Science.
The Qur’an makes people challenge like this and It is certainly very serious claim.
The Qur’an challenges using mathematics.
If is there anyone who say “I can do it too”, please come forward ?!!
It is clear that we have no comments and interventions in the above-mentioned coding and calculations. The letters of Hurufu Mukatta are clear, the number of repetitions in the surah is definite, their positions in the surah are definite. There are no comments we add to this information. Abjad is a known and used accounting method in that period. Therefore, we have not had the slightest intervention and interpretation. We’ve only uncovered what it is. In this case, I would like to say once more; I cannot imagine that there may be a scientific authority to challenge this mathematical structure in the Qur’an. The formation of this structure 1400 years ago requires accepting the mathematical miracle of the Qur’an.
And we are once again witnessing the miracle together.
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