The last 2 verses (128. and 129. verses) of At-Tawbah surah that Rashad Khalifa thought was a problem and denied, triggered the event. Therefore, this mathematical determinations are very important for Numerical Coding Systems and they are critical.
In the first place, Rashad Khalifa saw as a problem the issue of 6236, the sum of the verses. When this number is divided by 19, it gives the remainder of 4. 6236 ≡ 4 (mod 19). This was a very serious problem for the numerical coding system. Because in a system that comes out that everything will be divided into exactly 19, the sum of verses, the fundamental data of Qur’an, 6236 number was not fully divided 19. In order to solve this problem, Rashad Khalifa thought to add 112 un-numbered Basmalahs in the Qur’an, after all, they were the verses in the Qur’an. The number was made 6348. (6348=6236+112). But the number 6348 is not exactly divided by 19 too. The number 6348 is divided by 19 to give the remainder of 2. 6348 ≡ 2 (mod 19). Rashad Khalifa could not solve the problem. As a result, Rashad Khalifa prefers to solve the problem by denying the 2 verses and removing them from the Qur’an. However, this approach is contrary to the scientific method and of course not true. Rashad Khalifa thought that he solved the problem, but when you close your eyes, if you say that everywhere are in the dark, you might be wrong. 😊 It may just seem to you. So when you close your eyes to the problems, the problems do not disappear, only you prefer not to see. The problem remains there, until someone comes and fixes it.
Rashad Khalifa was guided to error by the results of his own numerical determinations. While evaluating the results of mathematical determinations, he did not realize that he was out of the scientific method, acting arbitrarily and made a mistake. While mathematical determinations describe two verses as a separate group, as it was easy to do, Rashad Khalifa read the message wrongly and he preferred to remove the two verses and denied, chose not to see the problem by closing his eyes. However, these two verses do not have much to count, anyway, they only have letters, surah number and verse numbers. The Surah number is 9. There are 60 letters in verse 128, 54 letters in verse 129. Look what math shows. The sum of surah and verse numbers is 266 and is a multiple of 19. 9 + 128 + 129 = 266 = 19 x 14. The total number of letters is 114, which is equal to surah number that is one of the fundamental numerical data in the Qur’an which is multiple of 19. 60+54 = 114 = 19 x 6. Despite these results, the last two verses of At-Tawbah surah has been declared as verses that do not comply with the 19 system. When we go into other coding details, the issue becomes much more tragicomic. If a person pushes a bit, will say that there is an intent. As if all of these, the last two verses and denial, especially to harm the Qur’an and the numerical system, such as made up, “they do it deliberately” in the minds will occur.
Unfortunately, those who follow him today still insist on the same behavior. In addition to introducing the subject to everyone, this study is a message for the groups and their followers to open their eyes and see the truth.
Rashad Khalifa’s mathematical equivalence as a solution:
6348 – 2 = 6346 (Verses + Bsm)
In this mathematical equation, Rashad Khalifa chose not to see 2, as saying 2 = 0. It is also the mathematical findings that he has found, which have led him to make this mistake. Although the mathematical determinations give opposite message, Rashad Khalifa found the solution to deny 2 verses and make a big mistake.
Mathematical equivalence of 19 Numeric Coding System discovered by Rashad Khalifa that it existed in the Qur’an
≡ 0 (mod 19)
To explain the meaning of this Mathematical equivalence briefly; (When divided by 19, the remainder is 0). Rashad Khalifa claimed that all kinds of digitizable data such as Surah numbers, Verse numbers, word numbers, number of letters, numbers formed from abjad values of letters can be fully divided into 19.
When we look at the number of surah which is 114, it is divided by 19 exactly, the remaining is 0. 114 ≡ 0 (mode 19). There is no problem with this number. As I tried to express above, the problem arises in the total number of verses.
(Verses + Bsm) number : 6348 ≡ 2 (mod 19)
The total number of verses + Bsm of 6348 does not verify the 19 code. There is a problem here: The number 6348 doesn’t exactly divided by 19, the remainder is 2.
The story begins from here
By separating into subgroups of the number of elements in the dataset 6348, trying to solve the problem.
6348 = 6236 + 112
Numbered Verses (6236) and Un-numbered Basmalahs (112)
These groups are very clear in the Qur’an. The grouping is in accordance with the scientific method. The numbers 6236 and 112 do not verify the code 19 when the dataset 6348 is subdivided. The problem has not been resolved.
6236 ≡ 4 (mod 19) 112 ≡ 17 (mod 19)
Rashad Khalifa’s scientific big mistake
Contrary to the scientific method which is the deductive method applied in the research, removing 2 verses from the data set, by ignoring 2 verses,
The problem is trying to solved by converting the number 6348 arbitrarily to the number 6346.
6348 – 2 = 6346
1st arbitrary admission:
The 2 verses are ignored by with arbitrary admission in violation of scientific method.
According to the scientific method, you can define the number 2 as a subgroup and subtract from the number 6348 to obtain the number 6346, but you cannot ignore it! (So; you can’t say 2 = 0, mathematics, science won’t allow it.)
If you ignore it, you will be out of the scientific method, the studies and the results will lose their scientific quality and will not be accepted by the scientific community.
6346 ≡ 0 (mod 19)
The number 6346 verifies the code 19 and also with a symbolic numerical coding approach, the sum of the numbers on the digits of this number is 19 and confirms the code 19.
6+3+4+6 ≡ 0 (mod 19)
As a result of arbitrary admission, the number is validated with the code 19. Although it is contrary to the scientific method, the coding structure is very effective. It has low probability and high protection power.
Coding must be observed?!!
We continue by counting the Basmalah words in the Qur’an because it is related to the subject. As will be seen later, the counting results of the words Basmalah have provided the possibility of Cross Check for the denied verses. This mathematical determinations is the most important finding that mislead Rashad Khalifa and led him to denial.
First of all, we give the counts of the words of Basmalah in the Qur’an Mushafs that we have today in our hands. We will then share how Rashad Khalifa counts the words Basmalah.
(In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful)
The Counts of Basmalah words In the Qur’an

As total in the Qur’an Mushafs that we have today in our hands 6348 (Verses + Bsm);
- 169 “Most Gracious” words, number 169 doesn’t exactly divided by 19, remainder is 17, 169≡17(mod 19)
- 227 “Most Merciful” words, number 227 doesn’t exactly divided by 19, remainder is 18, 227≡17(mod 19)
- 2811 “Allah” words, number 2811 doesn’t exactly divided by 19, remainder is 18,2811≡17(mod 19)
- 19 “Name” words, number 19 is exactly divided by 19, remainder is 0, 19≡ 0(mod 19)
As can be seen, among the word counts applied to 6348 verses, only the counting result of the word “Name” confirms the code 19. None of the others validate the code 19.
We subdivide the data group of data set 6348 (Verses+Bsm)
6348 = 6236 + 112
(6236 numbered verses and 112 un-numbered Basmalahs)
appropriate for scientific method

As you can be seen, among the word counts applied to verse 6236, the counting results of the words “Name” and “Most Gracious” confirm the code 19. The other counting results do not verify the code 19. “Allah” and “Most Merciful” words are giving 1 as remainder.
Let’s see how Rashad Khalifa made these counts.
Rashad Khalifa’s another important numerical determination supporting the denial of the last two verses of At-Tawba surah
The word “Most Merciful” رحيمِ in verse 128 of At-Tawba surah
The word “Allah” ٱللَّه in verse 129 of At-Tawba surah
As you can be seen above, among the word counts applied to verse 6236, the counting results of the words “Name” and “Most Gracious” confirm the code 19. The other counting results do not verify the code 19. “Allah” and “Most Merciful” words are giving as a remainder 1.
Thus, another argument supporting the acquisition of the number 6346, which provides code 19 by removing 2 verses from 6348 was discovered by Rashad Khalifa.
- Cancellation of At-Tawba 128 will reduce the counting result of the above words “Most Merciful” رحيمِ by 1 and the result from 115 will be 114 = 19×6 and confirming the code 19.
- Cancellation of At-Tawba 129 will reduce the counting result of the above words “Allah” ٱللَّه by 1 and the result from 2699 will be 2698 = 19×142 and confirming the code 19.
These results provided the possibility of Cross Check. While the counting results of the Basmalah words were validating the code, at the same time, considering that 2 verses that were not included in the counting were excluded from the Qur’an, 6348 was converted to 6346 and the code 19 was verified. Verification of a case from two independent references as a Cross Check is considered to be important evidence of its accuracy. Unfortunately, these results caused Rashad Khalifa to be mistaken and wrong. And by making the following numerical determination, denied the last two verses of At-Tawba surah.
Rashad Khalifa Contrary to the scientific method, ignoring 2 verses 6346 (Verse + Bsm) data group has applied the word counting process
(In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful)
The Counts of Basmalah words In the Qur’an

As can be seen, among the word counts applied to 6348 verses, only the counting result of the word “Name” confirms the code 19. None of the others validate the code 19.
Because numeric encoding is not fully verified
Rashad Khalifa obtained and divides the data group 6346 (Verses + Bsm) which he ignored 2 verses in violation of the scientific method
(6234 numbered verses and 112 un-numbered Basmalahs)
Performs Word Count again
6346= 6234 + 112
6234 ≡ 2 (mod 19) 112 ≡ 17 (mod 19)
2nd arbitrary admission: The fact that 6234 and 112 numbers, the resulting subgroup numbers, do not confirm the code 19 does not pose any problem for Rashad Khalifa?!!

As can be seen, among the word counts applied to the group of 6234 numbered verses, all result of the words counting confirms the code 19. In addition, the 152 numbers, which are the sum of the multiplication factors that appear in part 19 of the word numbers, confirm the 19 code. It is a very serious and valuable result as a coding structure. As a result of the word counting procedures applied to the group of verses numbered 6234 by Rashad Khalifa, the following method is defined.
The method used in word counts in the Qur’an:
The word counts in the Qur’an are applied to a group of verses numbered 6234. The 112 un-numbered Basmalahs in the un-numbered Basmalahs group are not used for word counts in the Qur’an.
Why? Because if you include the words in the un-numbered Basmalahs in the counting process, not all of the results are multiplied by 19, they do not validate the code 19. If you do not include the un-numbered Basmalahs group in word counting, the encoding count is verified. The definition of the new method is, in itself, in accordance with the scientific method. Coding is considered to be complete in this way.
Although Rashad Khalifa contrary to the scientific method by ignoring 2 verses and the subgroup of 6346 numbers 6234 and 112 did not verify the code 19,
At the endpoint, the state of the coding structure obtained is extremely impressive. It has very low probability and very high protection power.
In particular, the count of the word “Allah” encompasses 1820 verses.
(About one in every three verses – 34%)
This coding must necessarily be considered?!!
Reşat Halife’nin çalışmasının sonuçları:
Although as 1st arbitrary admission, mathematical determinations of Rashad Khalifa is contrary to the scientific method and as 2nd arbitrary admission, the number of subgroups (6234 and 112) which are also based on the 1st arbitrary admission that occur during the implementation of the word counts of Basmalah in the whole Qur’an do not confirm to the code 19, a situation has emerged which requires us to take into account the resulting coding structure that we cannot be neglected mathematically, with accuracy, precision and importance.
It is clear that there is a wrong approach. Rashad Khalifa’s misconceptions are obvious, but the accuracy of the coding results is very high, it should be noted. These results show that Rashad Khalifa is not entirely wrong. It is necessary to accept that some of the structures within it are correct, but not the whole study. It is necessary to distinguish between the truths and the mistakes in the coding, or to clarify the issue.
In fact, the event is not very complicated. It is possible to notice when we approach a little calm and scientific subject.
All of the mathematical determinations here are; it shows us that the last two verses of At-Tawba surah are not removed from the Qur’an, but that these two verses should be considered as a separate group, similar to the definition of a separate group of un-numbered Basmalahs. None of the mathematical determinations that emerged provide a mathematical argument that requires the removal of these two verses from the Qur’an. As a mathematical expression, the situation is as follows.
6348 = 6346 + 2
As a result of this definition, the problem is overcome. The error is corrected by redefining the method.
The method used in word counts in the Qur’an:
The word counts in the Qur’an are applied to a group of verses numbered 6234. The 112 un-numbered Basmalahs in the un-numbered Basmalahs group and 2 special Verses are not used for word counts in the Qur’an.
Why? Because if you include the words in the un-numbered Basmalahs and 2 special verses in the counting process, not all of the results are multiplied by 19, they do not validate the code 19. If you do not include the un-numbered Basmalahs group and the 2 special Verses in word counting, the encoding count is verified.
Rashad Khalifa has already solved the issue, his determinations were correct,but his conclusion was wrong.
The above mathematical expression is the same the following expression.
6348 – 2 = 6346
As you can see at the beginning of this article, this is the first statement of Rashad Khalifa.
But Rashad Khalifa made a big, very obvious mathematical mistake. He ignored the 2 verses. When he did not see the number 2 by closing his eyes, he thought that the number 2 would disappear from the mathematical equation.
The results of Rashad Khalifa’s study lead him to deny two verses;
6348 = 6346 + 2
6348= 6234 + 112 + 2
He showed us that the Qur’anic data should be grouped in this way and gave us them as gifts.
At this point, I would like to say that we owe a lot to Rashad Khalifa.
We wish him mercy from Allah. May Allah forgive his sins. (Amen)
Our wish is that today his followers will see this clear mathematical mistake and return from this mistake and give up the denial of verses 128 and 129 of the 9th At-Tawbah Surah before time is late.
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